
  • Difficult Questions For Quiz Bee
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 24. 13:38
    Difficult Questions For Quiz Bee

    Easy questions (boys brigade bible quiz).Name three Israelite kings.(Saul, David, Solomon).Who built the ark?(Noah).Where did Jesus grow up?(Nazareth).Who lived in Ur and moved to a country he did not know?(Abraham).What happened first? Murder of Abel or the great flood?(Murder of Abel).What was the name of the blind beggar at the gate of Jericho?(Bartimaeus).Was Goliath a Philistine or an Egyptian?(Philistine).What was Jacob’s brother called?(Esau).What happened first? The exodus of Egypt or the „fall of Jericho”?(Exodus).How many years of famine did Joseph prophesise to the Pharaohs?(seven).Which books come before and after the gospel according to Luke?(The gospels according to Mark and John).What was Jacob’s youngest son called?(Benjamin).Where do we first hear about a shepherd?(Abel, 1. Medium questions (Teenager bible quiz).Who commanded the sun and moon to stay still?(Joshua).For which type of tree was Lebanon well known?(Cedar).How did Stephanus die?(Stoned to death).Where was Jesus taken prisoner?(Gethsemane).Which biblical book tells of David and Goliath?(1. Samuel).Is Horeb the name of a town or a mountain?(A mountain).Where did a jailer find his faith?(Philippi).What were the two sons of Zebadee (one of the disciples) called?(John and Jacob).Which book reports on the missionary travels of Paul?(The Acts of the Apostles).What was Jacob’s eldest son called?(Rueben).Name three prisoners mentioned in the bible.(Joseph, Samson, Paul).Who prophesised the coming of Jesus shortly beforehand?(John the Baptist).What were the names of the mother and grandmother of Jacob?(Rebecca, Sara).Name three prophets?(Elijah, Jeremiah, Jonah).What happened first?

    Difficult Questions For Quiz Beets

    Jesus’ christening or the feeding of the 5000?(Jesus’ christening).Name three missionaries named in the bible.(Paul, Silas, Barnabas).What was Ruth’s husband called?(Boas).Which illness did Mephiboseth suffer from?(He was lame).What came first? Elias ascension or Enoch’s rapture?(Enoch’s rapture).Who made the golden calf and the bronze snake?(Aaron, Moses).Name three women in the bible whose names begin with „R”.(Rebecca, Rachel, Ruth).Which king had a sundial?(Hezekiah).Which disciple found a coin in the mouth of a fish?(Peter).What was Harn’s father called?

    Jul 23, 2007  General Knowledge Quiz Questions. General Knowledge Quiz Questions - Part 2; General Knowledge Questions and Answers - Part 3; Please forward this information to all your friends and family members especially those with kids as these general knowledge questions are generally asked by kids to their parents. Very difficult questions Expert bible quiz. What does Jahwe-Schammah mean? (God himself/Ezekiel 48,35) How much bread and fish was available to feed the 5000? How many baskets were left over? (7 x bread and several small fish, 7 baskets/Matthew 15,3) What is the name of the storm winds which can hit Crete?

    What were his brothers called?(Noah, Shem, Japheth).What is written in 1. Timothy 2,4?(God wants all people to be saved and come to recognise the truth.)Difficult questions (youth bible quiz).Name three soldiers mentioned in the bible.(Joab, Naemann, Cornelius).In which book of the bible to we read about Haman?(Esther).Which Roman was in charge of cultivation in Syria at the time of Jesus’ birth?(Cyrenius).What happened first? Preacher Paul on the Areopagus or the execution of Jacob?(Execution of Jacob).What were the names of Abraham’s brothers?(Nahor, Haran).What was the name of a female judge and her companion?(Deborah, Barak).What happened first? Appointment of Matthew as an apostle or the appearance of the Holy Spirit?(Appointment of Matthew as an apostle).What was the goddess in Ephesus called who was worshipped the most?(Diana).What was Priscilla’s husband called; which job did he have?(Aquila, tent maker).Name three sons of David.(Salomon, Absalom, Nathan).Who was Bernice?(The wife of king Agrippa).What happened first? The beheading of John or the feeding of the 5000?(John was beheaded).Who was Ahasveros?(A Persian king, Xerxes 1.).Where in the bible are apples mentioned for the first time?(Proverbs 25,11).Who said: „See, I have not heard the half of it.

    Filipino Quiz Bee Questions

    Difficult Category. You can use the sample questions below for an English Language and Literature Quiz Bee. Answers are also provided. Depending on the level of the quiz bee participants, you can modify the questions, hence the other types such as multiple choice or alternative response. The award winning 2005 children’s book And Tango Makes Three has been subject to much controversy as it was seen to be highlighting what behavior in the animal kingdom?. Homosexuality. The book is based on the true story of Roy and Silo, two male Chinstrap Penguins in New York’s Central Park Zoo. Due to the penguin parents being of the same sex, some adults in the United States have objected to children reading the book. In a certain poem, the word SMOG, built in combining FOG and SMOKE is used by a poet to mean something that has the properties of both.

    Difficult Questions For Quiz Bee
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